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时间:2020-03-16 23:00来源:农业农村部对外经济合作中心 作者:佚名

  2019年,我中心举办的“发展中国家农业信息管理研修班”得到学员普遍认可和肯定,结业典礼上学员代表肯尼农业与食品部史蒂芬·卡雅罗先生的发言真诚、质朴,高度赞扬了研修班的各项活动和取得成效,评价研修班“安排周到,内容详实”,发言原文及译文如下: http://xcwt.org/

  Distinguished chief of the Training Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (FECC) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of People’s Republic of China (PRC) , Ms. Zhang Qian.


  Distinguished Director of Foreign Economic Cooperation Center, Guizhou Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ms. Fu Weining.


  Your honorable Mr. Liu Yuanming, and project assistants and translators Ms. Ma Xiaoke and Ms. Dong Nike. 本文来中国乡村网

  My fellow country representatives.


  All protocols observed, I salute you.


  My name is Stephen Kyalo from Kenya, the Africa Continent.


  I wish to take this golden opportunity as you invite us to register our sincere appreciations for the Chinese government through the Division Chief, Ms. Zhang Qian, and specially for the Ministry of Commerce for sponsoring the Seminar that we have been undertaking and that we are celebrating here and now in he closing ceremony. We are deeply indebted to say a very big thank you to the Foreign Economic Cooperation Center (FECC), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for organizing the seminar. 乡村网

  The program was so well packaged that for the past three weeks we have been around, no boredom caught up with us. Indeed, time flew so fast that we cannot believe that our stay here is almost over. We acknowledge that we have learnt a lot from the lectures and field visits that we have made especially in Guizhou Province. And therefore, we can confidently say we have a clear message to take back home. However, everyone will hear me to say that whatever we have learnt is just an iceberg and therefore there is much more to learn from your country. Nevertheless, we all understand that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step and that Rome was not built in one day. That is to say that China started with a single step and progressively moved up to the current level of development level which is unmatchable.


  Consequently, I wish to reiterate that our countries can borrow a leaf from China and move to the next level. With good governance, good policies, people’s trust, and suitable political environment, growth and development of a country’s economy is achievable. 本文来中国乡村网

  Our welfare issues were properly looked into. Domestic travelling by both air and road was well coordinated. The rooms we slept were booked in high-class hotels, where maximum security was highly guaranteed. We are grateful that no cases of theft were reported. We had a variety of meals, sometimes at the hotel and other time at the field. For sure, we enjoyed exploring the country as we visited some of the famous tourist attraction sites, such as the Great Wall and other fascinating sites. http://xcwt.org/

  Whenever we encountered challenges of language barrier, stop gap measure was so effective that Xiaoke and Nike always intervened to translate for us to ensure continuous flow of information. Here again, I would sincerely thank the government of the PRC for giving us an opportunity to your country and for the care upon us. Ms. Division Chief, please accept our acknowledgement. 中国乡村网

  (Let’s give a clap!)


  To my fellow participants, ladies and gentlemen,


  I wish to commend you for nominating me to represent you in this ceremony. You took the shortest time to agree. To me, it is a great honor and privilege. Thank you for shielding your ambitions to give me time and space to convey our heartfelt appreciations on your behalf and my own behalf. 本文来中国乡村网

  It has been a nice stay with you here from the first day we met for this outstanding seminar throughout to this hour. Your cooperation interatction and care for one another has contributed a lot to the success of this course. At first we struggled a lot to cope up with the Chinese foods, but within a very short time since we are all fast learners, we found ourselves enjoying the same food. We appreciate the cultural diversities. For each one of us, something that has seen us adapt and coexist as a family. In fact, we have synchronized ourselves so much that saying a good bye is becoming a problem. Many of us cannot believe that this is our last meeting for this course for us this year. Such a gathering will forever be missed and remembered by many of us.


  However, I believe the Chinese government will continue organizing more and more such seminars for our countries in the spirit of cooperation as we highlighted during presentation of our our country reports. In Africa, there is a wise saying that states, “A good turn deserve another”, that is to say that if China gives us another opportunity, we will not hesitate to come. 中国乡村网

  My message to you ladies and gentlemen is that when you go back home, write good reports and make a difference. My humble request to Chinese government or program organizers is that if possible, for future cooperation and within the available means, please include a day for participants to officially visit their respective embassies and high commissioners’ offices in China.


  With those few remarks, I sincerely say thank you to everyone and wish everyone God’s favor and blessing back home as we look forward to meet again in the future. Asanteni sana!译文



  尊敬的中华人民共和国农业农村部对外经济合作中心培训处处长,张倩女士。尊敬的贵州省农业农村厅农业对外经济合作中心主任付卫宁女士。尊敬的刘元明先生,以及项目助理和翻译马小珂女士和董昵珂女士。我亲爱的各国学员代表们,在遵守所有的规章制度之后,我向你们致敬。 本文来中国乡村网

  我叫史蒂芬·卡雅罗,来自位于非洲大陆的肯尼亚。 http://xcwt.org/

  我想借此绝佳的机会,也应你们的邀请,来表达我们衷心的感谢之情。我想通过张倩处长向中国政府表示感谢,尤其想要向主办此次研讨会的中国商务部表示感谢,也向承办本次研修班的中国农业部外经中心致以敬意。我们仍是这个研修班的一份子,但我们现在也正为研修班即将结束举行结业典礼。 乡村网

  本次研修班安排周到,内容详实。在过去的三周里,我们参观了许多地方,行程精彩绝伦,丝毫不会感到无趣。然而,时光飞逝,白驹过隙,难以置信,我们的旅程即将走向终点。不可否认的是,在各个讲座中,在各地的参观考察,尤其是在贵州省的参观考察中,我们收获良多。我们完全可以自信地说,我们带回国的讯息很明确。但你们也将听到我接下来要说的话,那就是我们在华期间学到的东西只是冰山一角,因而我们要向中国学习的东西还有很多。然而,众所周知,千里之行始于足下,罗马也不是一日建成的。这也就意味着,中国也踏出过最初的那一步,一步一个脚印向前进,取得了如今令人望其项背的发展成就。 内容来自http://xcwt.org/

  因而,在此我想重申的是,在座的各国都能借鉴中国经验的灵光片羽,促进各国向前迈一大步。善治,善政,人民的信任以及符合国情的政治环境,我们能成功带动国家经济的发展与增长。 内容来自http://xcwt.org/

  贵国把我们的福祉放在了心上。在中国境内的出行,不管是乘车还是坐飞机,我们都一路顺风,平安无阻。我们下榻的酒店都高档有品,提供了最高水准的安全保障,未曾出现过一起失窃事件。我们尝试了各种各样的美食,或是在酒店里,或是在考察点,各具风味。当然,我们也热衷于探索这个国度。比如我们就前往了长城等引人入胜的著名旅游景点。 http://xcwt.org/

  每每遇到语言上的障碍,我们都会请求打断一下,让小珂和昵珂为我们解释,这就很有效地保证了信息流能持续不断。这里,我想再次真诚地感谢中国政府能给我们这个机会来到贵国,也感谢贵国给予我们的精心照料。处长女士,请接受我们的谢意。 乡村网



  向我亲爱的学员们,诸位女士们先生们, 内容来自http://xcwt.org/





  起初,我们很难适应中国的饮食,惴惴难以度日。但我们适应能很强,因而在很短时间内就很能接受中国美食,并心悦之。文化的多元化在这里展露无遗,我们欣赏这种多元多彩。在彼此的见证下,大家每一个人都在适应和共存中成为了一家人。而事实上,我们已经融为了一体,难以分离。在此时告别真是太难了!我们之中许多人甚至不敢相信,这将是今年里我们最后一次见面的机会。这样一个多元会集的团队,我们将难以忘怀,铭记在心。 http://xcwt.org/

  然而,我相信中国政府将会继续组织更多这样的研修班,汇集各国学员,弘扬合作精神。而这种精神也是我们在国别报告上想要展示的。在非洲,有一句名言,“好的机会值得再出现一次”。也就是说,如果中国能再给我们一次机会,我们将毫不犹豫再次来到中国。 乡村网



  我想用这短短数语来诚挚感谢你们所有人,也希望主的恩赐能照耀你们所有人。希望回国之后,我们能再次见面。 Asanteni sana! 乡村网



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